freiberufler Senior React Native developer auf

Senior React Native developer

  • 70€/Stunde
  • EH46AS Edinburgh
  • Europa
  • it  |  en
  • 28.09.2022


I am a full stack developer who enjoys coding. For this reason writing applications is not only my job but also my main hobby. My main focus over the last 3+ years has been React Native and I worked on several commercial projects for major companies


  • Agile Entwicklung
  • Android Entwicklung
  • Continuous Delivery (CDE)
  • Mobile Entwicklung (allg.)
  • Node.js
  • PHP
  • React (JavaScript library)
  • React Native
  • Redux
  • TypeScript

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Senior React Native developer
World Remit, London
2/2021 – 9/2022 (1 Jahr, 8 Monate)

2/2021 – 9/2022


At the beginning of my experience at
World Remit, I’ve been asked to work
on a proof of concept with the goal of
creating the send money funnel
journey connected to the rest
api. After demonstrating it was
possible to use as the source
of truth for the form content, the company decided to create a new graphql
backend layer communicating with the api. During this process I was
temporarily assigned to the hybrid (native + react native) app maintenance
and I've been supporting both React native features and native android ones.
As soon as the backend layer was ready the company started the creation of a
brand new React Native app and I have been assigned to it, working within
the Blue team creating the send money funnel, the core functionality of the
app. In order to architect the journey, the proof of concept I created at the
beginning of my experience at World Remit has been taken as a reference.
The tech stack I used for this project includes: typescript, react navigation,
storybook, apollo client, appium.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Software engineering / -technik

Senior React Native Developer
Education First, Luzern
8/2019 – 2/2021 (1 Jahr, 7 Monate)
Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen

8/2019 – 2/2021


At EF I work as a technical lead for the project Coach app. It’s a greenfield project so apart setting up the RN project from scratch, I also had to take care of setting up the continuous deployment (fastlane + bitrise). The tech stack I applied is React Native + typescript. I use redux for the state management and redux-sagas for side effects management. The navigation library I chose is react-navigation. I applied a clean architecture (from Robert C. Martin). I am favouring functional components over stateful components with the help of React Hooks. I use jest + enzyme for unit testing and I am currently working on setting up Detox for e2e testing.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Continuous Delivery (CDE), Node.js, React (JavaScript library), React Native, TypeScript

Senior React Native developer / Technical Lead
British Gas, Staines Upon Thames
8/2018 – 1/2020 (1 Jahr, 6 Monate)
Öl- und Gasindustrie

8/2018 – 1/2020


At British Gas I first had to identify all the areas of improvement in the main B2C mobile app and define a solid architecture to be applied in order to start a refactoring process that would have improved the stability of the app.
After writing a detailed report, I was asked to report to British Gas while working together with the mobile team that was outsourced to Publicis Sapient.
We started the refactoring process in order to apply the clean architecture that I suggested. This refactoring process is still ongoing.
From January until July 2019 I’ve been appointed as the technical lead of the first channel agnostic team (Rewards) fully managed internally by British Gas.
Since July, after Plublicis Sapient is not supporting the mobile app anymore, I am working together with the technical lead, managing the devs of the internal mobile team.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Android Entwicklung, Node.js, React Native, TypeScript

Senior React Native developer (Festanstellung)
Prudential PLC, Stirling
9/2016 – 8/2018 (2 Jahre)

9/2016 – 8/2018


At Prudential I’ve been part of the mobile development team working in strict cooperation with the “Digital Innovation laboratory”.
• Development of mobile applications using ​React Native from the very
beginning stage, up to the store or in-house release;
• Building of reusable react native components library;
• Definition and writing of the mobile strategy for the company;
• Study of new technologies (e.g. iBeacons, AR, chatbots) and eventually recommend them for the new projects to come.

● Macbook;
● IntelliJ Webstorm​​ IDE for the React Native development;
● Android Studio IDE for Android native development (in particular for
the construction of native modules in order to integrate 3r​ d party
libraries with no React Native/JS specific SDK);
● xCode IDE for iOS native development (in particular for the
construction of native modules in order to integrate 3r​d party libraries with no React Native/JS specific SDK);
● Atlassian​​ products (Bitbucket, Jira, Confluence):
o Bitbucket​​ as the web service to host ​GIT​​ projects;
o Jira as the project management tool for agile projects (both SCRUM​​ and ​KANBAN​​);
o Confluence ​​as the wiki tool for our team members cooperation;
● Slack in order to improve communication among the members of the
mobile team located in 2 different locations;
●​​ for daily stand-ups and video conference calls;
● Sketch App​​ in order to build/edit apps UI;
● Zeplin.IO in order to share the applications design with the UI/UX designers;
● HockeyApp / Fabric Beta ​​in order to distribute beta builds of the apps.

Projects I worked on at Prudential:

One Journey: (React.js + React Native). ​​A process tracking project composed by an admin web app (React.js) + a customer web app (React.js) + a mobile app (React Native for both Android and iOS platforms)

Retirement Accounts Service (iOS and Android) – React Native – ​​To be used by the company customers in order to provide options for a comfortable retirement;

PFP – React Native (iOS) – ​​In-house ​​CRM app to be used by the company financial

Retirement Ready – React Native (iOS and Android) – ​​Conversion of an existing app developed with Cordova into React Native.

MyPru - React Native (iOS and Android) – Company customers account
management app proof of concept;

iBeacons – Native Android -​​ Testing proof of concept.

Knowledge TV App - React Native (i​​OS and A​​ndroid)​​ – ​​Released in the Apple Store, to be used by Prudential advisors in order to view educational videos​;

Grade 5 App - React Native (iOS and Android) – I​​n-house app to be used by the highest grade managers​;

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Android Entwicklung, React (JavaScript library), React Native


Economy and Information Technology
High School diploma
Trapani - Italy

Über mich

I'm a full stack developer. I consider myself a lucky person as I am very passionate about my work so that it's my main hobby as well. I am very focused on clean code architecture and solid principles. Over the last few years I've been focusing on mobile development (native Android/iOS and React Native), but I never gave up entirely web development (both frontend: React.js, and backend: Node.js and Laravel). I have extensive experience working in agile environments (scrum and kanban) and I enjoy working either within a team or by myself, remotely or within the company office.

Persönliche Daten

  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Italienisch (Muttersprache)
  • Europäische Union
11 Jahre und 10 Monate (seit 08/2012)


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